4º Vale Tattoo Festival
room Chacara Space Sunset (Palácio Sunset)
directions R. Dr. Pedro Luiz de Oliveira Costa, 1152 – Jardim Limoeiro, 12241-430,, São José dos Campos, Estado de São Paulo
Vale Tattoo Festival
Good morning, good afternoon, good night friends with the success of the launch of the 4* Vale Tattoo Festival selling in a week 95 % of the plant, we are changing place to the sunset palace on the edge of Dutra in the km between jacareí and São José, we will be expanding the plant to meet everyone.
Benefits in the new place:
Beauty and infrastructure
Air-conditioned place
Own stage
Large place
Rest area
Parking on-site
Food area
Cocktail for exhibitors with pool released
Killer Ink 2020
Bio Security Workshop for exhibitors and such
Tattoo Shop for exhibitors and such
Over 150 inkers and piercing
Various categories of tattoo
Awards, gifts, and gifts
A stand for best of the event at the biggest convention in the world tattoo week.
See you at the 4* Vale Tattoo Festival!
Está de volta o maior evento de tatuagem do vale do Paraíba
A VALE TATTOO FESTIVAL , está de volta para o ano de 2022 com muitas atrações , agora no Palácio Sunset
Restam apenas 30 stands não fiquem de fora!!!
É tempo de voltarmos a nos ver, chega de on line , viva o olho no olho e boas risadas com os amigos pessoalmente !!!
Vendas WhatsApp 1298164-3772
Leks Eduardo
Data 26-27-28 de agosto de 2022
110 stands
Mais de 200 tatuadores