date_range 04 - 06 NOV, 2022

8th Icelandic Tattoo Expo

room Laugardalsholl Sport Center

directions Engjavegur 8, 104, Reiquiavique, Islândia



Iceland Tattoo Convention

Verið velkomin á Tattoo Convention Ísland

Svanur og Andrés hafa báðir verið viðriðnir húðflúrsráðstefnur í mörg ár.

Svanur er húðflúrari og hefur stundað ráðstefnur í 11 ár í Skotlandi, Bretlandi, Þýskalandi, Bandaríkjunum, og aðallega Skandinavíu. Hann hefur verið árlegur dómari á Stokkhólmsmótinu sem er það næst stærsta í Skandinavíu og einnig Norrköping.

Andrés hefur verið viðriðinn ráðstefnur með Alex Rites of Passage, og hefur verið á öllum ráðstefnum skandinavíu ásamt Berlín síðastliðin ár. Hann er einnig hægri hönd Alex Rites of Passage við Kaupmannarhafnarráðstefnuna.

Þarna koma saman mestu reynsluboltar landsins og hrynda á flot þessum einstaka viðburði.


Welcome to Iceland Tattoo Convention

Sanur and André have both been involved in tattoo conferences for many years.

Sanur is a tattooist and has been conducting conferences for 11 years in Scotland, the UK, Germany, the USA, and mainly Scandinavia. He has been the annual judge at the Stockholm tournament, which is the second largest in Scandinavia and also Norrköping.

Andrés has been attending conferences with Alex Rites of Passage and has attended all Scandinavian conferences along with Berlin for the last several years. He is also on the right of Alex Rites of Passage at the merchant conference.

This brings together the country’s greatest experiences and shatters this unique event.

See you at Iceland Tattoo Convention!

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