date_range 02 - 04 JUN, 2023
16th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
room Gamla bíó (old theater)
directions Ingólfsstræti 2a, 101, Reiquiavique, Islândia
Outras edições
17th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
31 MAI - 02 JUN, 2024

15th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
03 - 05 JUN, 2022

14th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
31 MAI - 02 JUN, 2019

13th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
01 - 03 JUN, 2018

12th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
02 - 04 JUN, 2017

11th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
03 - 05 JUN, 2016

10th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
05 - 07 JUN, 2015

9th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
06 - 08 JUN, 2014

8th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
06 - 08 JUN, 2013

7th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
07 - 09 JUN, 2012

6th Icelandic Tattoo Convention
03 - 05 JUN, 2011

Icelandic Tattoo Convention 2023
The Icelandic Tattoo Convention will be held from 2-4th June 2023 in Reykjavík. The convention will be held at Gamla Bíó, Ingólfstræti 2a. The Icelandic Tattoo convention was first held in 2006, the idea behind the convention was to bring more artists to Iceland with different types of tattoo styles. It was the first convention to be held in Reykjavik, Iceland. The Convention is at Gamla Bíó, in the heart of downtown Reykjavík.
We have 30 artists working at the convention and when you have found the style that you like the most (traditional, watercolor, black and gray, realistic, script, portrait, Japanese, and more) you can contact the artists directly and book an appointment.