Leuven International Tattoo Convention 2023
room SportOase (Sportoase Leuven)
directions Philipssite 6, 3001, Lovaina, Arrondissement Leuven
Welcome to another edition of the LTC – a nice small International Tattoo Convention in the Capital of Stella Artois.
Inkspired is all about tattooing music & art, and meeting new people with the same minds!
Getting a tattoo is a personal experience that will stay with you for a lifetime, therefore we think it’s important it should be done right.
Killer Ink 2020
The best place to get it done is right here at the convention!
Check out all the artists online and contact them for an appointment!
The city of Leuven hosted 3 previous tattoo conventions in 2017, 2018, and 2022 at the Brabanthal.
Those events were organized by a different party.