Urban Tattoo Show Libramont
room La Halle aux Foires de Libramont
directions Place Communale 7, Libramont-Chevigny, Arrondissement de Neufchâteau
International Tattoo Festival Libramont salle 3500m².
Camping Vintage ,sur le site de la Halle aux Foires de Libramont.
Les emplacements sont GRATUITS pour le Camping.
Accès vendredi 5€ / samedi 7€./ dimanche 5€.
pass wk 15€
Salon Vintage sur 5000M² couverts plus extérieur possibilité 300.000M²
Concerts , DJ,déco rétro vintage,meubles industriels,..
Gustom Meeting international Cars, truck & Bikes
Meeting VW & COX ..
Restaurant 800M²
LA proposition du WE
Des concerts et des event "rockabilly" et rétros.
Ca va bouger !!! Avec Dj Kris en live les 3 jours
vendredi 17 h The Regulars Live
vendredi 21h The Trouble Shakers Live
samedi 15h Jasez-Vous live
samedi 17h Tobazco Wild Band Live
samedi 19h Milly &The Silver Dice Live
samedi 21h Hoodoo-Tones Live
samedi 23h TMT Live
HOT by HOT samedi Mad Pussy Gang
HOT by HOT dimanche-Sexy carwash...
dimanche 15h Wild Deuces Live
dimanche 17h Legacy 56
GLAMOUR & co dimanche 14h Election Miss Pin-Up Libramont
Brocante vintage 7.50€ le M² pour les 3 jours .
En plus, vintage tattoo et barber-shop ,Piercing.
Espace collections car-toys.
Vide-dressing Rétro-chicos.
Election Miss PIN-UP Belgium...
Accès vendredi 5€ / samedi 7€./ dimanche 5€.
pass wk 15€
International Tattoo Festival Libramont room 3500m².
Camping Vintage, on the site of the Halle aux Foires of Libramont.
Plots are FREE for Camping.
Access Friday 5 € / Saturday 7 € / Sunday 5 €.
Pass wk 15 €
Salon Vintage on 5000M ² covered more outside possibility 300.000M ²
Concerts, DJs, retro vintage decor, industrial furniture, ..
Gustom Meeting International Cars, Truck & Bikes
Meeting VW & COX ..
The proposal of the WE
Concerts and events "rockabilly" and retros.
It will move! With Dj Kris live on 3 days
Friday 17 h The Regulars Live
Friday 21h The Trouble Shakers Live
Saturday 17h Tobazco Wild Band Live
Saturday 7 pm Milly & The Silver Dice Live
Saturday 21h Hoodoo-Tones Live
HOT by HOT Saturday Mad Pussy Gang
HOT by HOT Sunday-Sexy carwash ...
Sunday 15h Wild Deuces Live
Sunday 17h Legacy 56
GLAMOR & co Sunday 2 pm Election Miss Pin-Up Libramont
Flea market vintage 7.50 € the M² for the 3 days.
In addition, vintage tattoo and barber-shop, Piercing.
Espace collections car-toys.
Vide-dressing Retro-chicos.
Election Miss PIN-UP Belgium ...
Access Friday 5 € / Saturday 7 € / Sunday 5 €.
Pass wk 15