date_range 25 - 27 ABR

6th Fredericton Tattoo Expo

room Fredericton Capital Exhibit Centre

directions 355 Smythe St, E3B 4Y9, Fredericton, New Brunswick



Fredericton Tattoo Expo 2025

The Fredericton Tattoo Expo is taking place at the beautiful Fredericton Capital Exhibit Centre.

Talented tattoo artists from across North America will be tattooing live all weekend. There will be tattooing live all weekend, pin-up girl contests, tattoo contests, live music, and a few other things we are working on.

Whether you are a tattoo enthusiast, simply curious about the art of tattooing, or maybe you are just looking for a unique, family-friendly day or weekend out of the house, the Freddy Tattoo Expo welcomes all walks of life.

Come out and celebrate the amazing skill and talent of today’s tattoo artists.

See you there!!

Descubra Fredericton

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