Electric Eye Candy Tattoo Extravaganza
room Herkimer County Fair Association
directions 135 Cemetery St, Frankfort, Herkimer County
Electric Eye Candy Tattoo Extravaganza is brought to you with the intent of gathering like minded people with artists of various mediums together to spread the beauty of our creations and share in the abundance of the universe. Art comes in many forms. Paintings, sculpture, drawings, tattoos, photographs, crafting, music, and dance all come to mind.
Veteran Tattoo Artist Connie Darrow feels that anything you really enjoy looking at or doing can be approached from an art standpoint. When you talk to a car builder working on their latest rat rod or muscle car the attention to detail they put into every little aspect is an art of its own. The human figure has long been appreciated by the masses, being sculpted, painted and even filmed by our artists. People love to look at people, when they have great tattoos the interest is even greater.
Hence the name of this convention came to mind. Electric for the most common means of tattooing and Eye Candy for all the things we love to look at, hot cars, beautiful people, and Art, Art, Art. I hope that you come, have some fun and enjoy all that there is to offer. Bring your hotrod or tell your friends to bring theirs. Show off your ink collection and you may even win something. Music, we can’t forget the music, everyone enjoys music of some sort, so open your mind and come check out the talents lined up for your listening pleasure.
Carol Oddy and Cesar Enciso – MEDUSA TATTOO
Vegan tattoo & piercing care products – HAPPY GURU TATTOO
Jozzy Camacho, Elva Rivera, & Corey Mullen – DREAM CHASERS INK & ART
Jason Decker and Brandin Laraby – TATTOO U STUDIO
Artists with Disabilities – AEA CENTRAL NEW YORK
Colleen Elliott & Mark Shannon – ARTIST HELM TATTOO STUDIO
Chad Mason, Tod Deloca, and Kevin Johnson – ROCKIN HORSE TATTOO & PIERCING
And more...