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How to get the most out of the Party in Paradise!
Party in Paradise is a once a year event open to the public and and we want to make sure that you, as a guest of the show, get the most out of the show. There is a lot of events taking place inside the show and you will want to make sure you don’t miss any of it. The first thing you will want to do is prioritize the events by what is most important to you. Are you looking to collect a tattoo from one of our world famous artist or do you want to learn more about developing your skills as an artist? Maybe you are just coming to watch the competitions.
How do I get a tattoo at the Party in Paradise Tattoo Expo?
There are several different ways to get a tattoo. We recommend you look through the artist section of our website and then click on the picture of the artist you are interested in. There you will see several pictures of their work as well as contact information. Contact your favorite artist to get price quotes or book your time at the show. Some of our artist can be found easily on Facebook as well. Feel free to contact Party in Paradise if you are having trouble contacting your artist. Many artist will book time with you at the show but it is always best to book early. Remember this may be a once in a life time chance to receive work from them in the Philippines.
How do I take a seminar or lecture?
Seminars will be available during the morning before the show opens to the public and artist can sign up for the classes by by writing Partyinparadisetattooexpo@gmail.com for a complete list of classes. All attending artist must attend the Blood borne Pathogens course in order to work the show. (Artist with up to date certificates can be exempt but must have it with them when they arrive at the show)
I don’t want to miss out on all the extra activities, how do I know when things are happening?
There is a tentative schedule of all the events during the show on our website. From the home page click on the event icon on the left side of the page. This will take you to our schedule of event and help you plan you weekend in Paradise.
Party in Paradise wants everyone to have a great time at the show and get the most our of this once a year event. Be sure to stay tuned to our website for any changes in the show that might take place, Make sure to schedule early with your favorite tattoo artist to insure they will have an opening to get you in at the show.