6ª Convención de Tatuadores de la Montaña 2021
room Colegio Juan Bosco Obrero
directions Carrera 18 G #74 A-59 South, Bogotá, Cundinamarca Department
6a convencion de Tatuadores de la Montaña 2022
Oficialmente se abre Stands de preventa. Un evento sin ánimo de lucro, en el que la entrada al público será para recolectar más 500 regalos para niños y niñas de la zona rural de ciudad Bolívar.
Por 5 años consecutivos nos hemos convertido en una de las más importantes de Latinoamérica por organización y sentido social.
The 6th Tatuadores de la Montaña Convencion. This non-profit convention gathers Tattoo artists for young children with disabilities and senior citizens.
For 5 years in a row working in a non-profit event, this year will be no exception. We continue to hand in hand with the Armont Foundation, bringing art to the mountains to children and grandparents in the rural area of Ciudad Bolívar. This year we will have more than 100 artists 8 jurors, and new categories to qualify: Comic, recent trends, best female artist, and for the first time best event category. We also have the best sponsors with great products and the best energy.
Thank you for supporting all the artists that year after year in one way or another support. Remember that the presale is officially closed. In the course of the year, a group of 40 young children and grandparents receive drawing and painting workshops. The place is in the city of Bolívar city Bogotá Colombia. With these donations, we intend to continue working and reach more people with the wisdom of art.